On the client side, test if remote server has NFS share setup:
In this example,
remote_host1, remote_host2 have nfs share while remote_host3 doesn't.
(NOTE: A good nfs server will return similar result in responding to "showmount -e" command. If you get "rpc not registered, it means remote nfs isn't setup correctly.)
(Example1: all hosts end with .abc.def.com can access this nfs share on remote_host1)
ROOT@client:/root # showmount -e remote_host1 export list for remote_host1:
/export/local/gts .abc.def.com
(Example2: any hosts on the network can access these 5 shares on remote_host2)
ROOT@client:/root # showmount -e remote_host2
export list for remote_host2:
/export/ABCbuild (everyone)
/export/ABCdatabase (everyone)
/export/vmware (everyone)
/tftpboot (everyone)
/export/flar_images (everyone)
(Example3: remote_host3 doesn't have nfs share setup)
ROOT@client:/root # showmount -e remote_host3
showmount: remote_host3: RPC: Program not registered
If NFS isn't setup on the remote host, the remote host's rpc table will have no nfs info. Let's see.
ROOT@client:/root # rpcinfo -p remote_host3 | grep nfs (returns nothing)
ROOT@client:/root # rpcinfo -p remote_host2 | grep nfs (returns nfs port number, more details of rpc see my other post - Solaris rpc)
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100227 2 udp 2049 nfs_acl
100227 3 udp 2049 nfs_acl
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
100227 2 tcp 2049 nfs_acl
100227 3 tcp 2049 nfs_acl
To mount remote_host2's nfs share /export/ABCdatabase to local /mnt mountpoint:
(Note: /mnt can be any local directory name, if you mount nfs share to a non-empty directory, it will replace the direct content with nfs share content. When you unmount it, original content of that non-empty directory will come back.)
ROOT@client:/root # mount remote_host2:/export/ABCdatabase /mnt
ROOT@client:/root # cd /mnt
ROOT@client:/root # ls
(you should see the content, if mount returns error, contact SA make sure the remote_host2 permits client to mount the share)